6 Design Tips to Add Stylish Storage to your Home

This month we are talking storage. As the kids are heading back to school and the nights start to draw in, we will spend a little more time indoors, so it's always a great time to treat your home to a thorough clean and declutter. Here are our top storage tips and inspiration to help you restore harmony to your home.

1. Choose furniture with built in storage
Opting for multi-purpose furniture is a great way to have both style and practicality in your home. Storage beds with under bed storage perfect shoe storage solution, window seats with built-in cupboards, luxury upholstered ottomans and blanket boxes are excellent options to declutter and add a statement to your bedroom, living and dining room. Luckily, we have some stunning options for you to choose from, including our new Middleton Storage Bed. 

2. Hide away household products
Use a variety of small baskets, pots and patterned boxes to store general household items, keeping them to hand and surfaces clutter free. Plus, they are a great, inexpensive way to update your room.

3. Use soft fabric bags to tidy away the children’s toys
Fabric bags are a great option for a child’s bedroom. They come in lots of shapes and sizes and all sorts of funky patterns, so are great for injecting some personality and helping your little ones to keep their room tidy.

4. Bedsides with built in storage
Opt for a bedside table with drawers, cupboards or a shelved area. Our Bersted cube bedside table is ultra-cool and enables you to store and style your trinkets.

5. Make use of unused space
The tops of cupboards and wardrobes can go unused or piled high with items that don’t have a home. Place items in wicker baskets and then store on top of your cupboards for a tidy finish.

6. Upcycle old furniture
If you’re on a budget upcycle old furniture can be a fun and a much more cost effective way of adding stylish storage. Wooden ladders are perfect for hanging towels and old suitcases can be transformed into coffee tables with inbuilt storage space. Think outside the box to create a wow piece with a practical use.

Images Sourced from Pinterest


08 September, 2017
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